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发表时间:2019-1-15 17:19:32 来源:金堂中学外国语实验学校 编辑:学校管理员

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学校现有教职员工368人,其中专任教师 183人,中学特级教师2名,成都市学科带头人3人,金堂县学科带头人10人,其他各级各类优秀教师近百人。





Pursuing Excellence with Lofty Aspiration

--Jintang Foreign Language Experimental School

    Seated at the source of Tuojiang River in the north of Chengdu, the Land of Abundance, elegant and graceful, is a land of hope. It is the hometown of He Lin, a great philosopher, and Liu Shahe, a famous poet - Jintang. Today, Jintang is an aggregation of quaint countryside as well as bustling city. Jintang Foreign Language Experimental School has become an embodiment of Jintang education for its solid strength, advanced concepts as well as its remarkable achievements.

   Jintang Foreign Language Experimental School was co-founded in August, 2009. It is the first full-time private junior high school of Jintang.

l The philosophy: the pursuit of Excellence of Education.

l The educational goals: high-grade education, high-level service, high-quality teaching.

l The final objective: to foster the students with morally pure conduct, good habits, healthy bodies as well as excellent studies.

   The school is located by Jintang Forest Park, quiet and serene, facing the source of Tuojiang River. The school is built scientifically with reasonable layout and complete facilities: the teaching buildings, gymnasium of best facilities, well-stocked library, full-featured track and field, student apartments of favorable conditions, the canteen. The classrooms are equipped with modern multimedia teaching equipment. There are labs, computer network classrooms, classrooms for art and sports, classrooms for language training, physical training rooms as well as rooms for community activities. Here, the elegant and pleasant campus environment is combined with the rich flavor of the modern society. It is a perfect interpretation of harmonious development between man and nature with the modern concepts of education, highly-graded campus closely integrated by the material progress and its profound cultural foundation.

  Currently there are 368 staff members in the school, including 183 full-time teachers, 2 senior teacher of special classification,3 city academic leader in Chengdu, 12 county academic leaders in Jintang, and about100 outstanding teachers at different levels in many fields.

  To achieve the goals of students’ life-long development and establish a “warm home” and “growth Paradise”, the school has attached great importance to moral education and conventional management. Meanwhile, the school has implemented the reformation of education to create a class teaching model of its own features. The school also strongly promotes the Fully-enclosed management to make itself a better place from every detail to make the students love it, sleep well, eat well, study hard and have a good future, which will ensure the students’ development, parents’ trust and win the satisfaction from all around.

   The school is characterized by inviting foreign teachers to school and promoting the exchange students or teachers across abroad. Foreign teachers teach in our school all the year round, which provides students the original flavor of life of foreign language learning and communication platform. The school actively carries out communication with foreign schools. The school makes friends with Tampines Secondary School of Singapore, and has visited each other annually to establish a good image and improve its international reputation, thereby enhancing friendship with the foreign schools. Finally, the school will open up a new way which is of international feature of education.

  Our school develops extensively “love our class, love our school” activities, carries out various kinds of sports games and held “the Second School Arts Festival” with great success. Besides extracurricular activities every afternoon, students can participate in 30-minute activities in the morning, which ensures their physical fitness. Through various specialty classes, clubs and extracurricular activities, the school aims to highlight the calligraphy, track and field, science and technology, painting and other projects as the leading characteristics. A series of activities provide a wide and broad stage for students to show their talents such as Reading Festivals, Arts Festival, Science and Technology Festival, Sports Month. The school has shown its high-grade management through the activities of the Military Training Week, Week of Labor, Social Practice Week, Interdisciplinary Activities Week and Foreign Exchange Week.

    With the humanistic and scientific management, colorful extracurricular activities and comfortable living environment, the school has become an ideal place for teachers and students to learn, live and grow together.


来源:金堂中学外国语实验学校  编辑:学校管理员

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