
南非共和国 签证是指由中国去往南非共和国所需要办理的手续。签证(Visa)是一国政府机关依照本国法律规定为申请入出或通过本国的外国人颁发的一种许可证明。






【英文介绍/For English】:

The South African Republic visa refers to the procedures required to go to the South African Republic from China. A visa (Visa) is a permit issued by a government agency in accordance with the laws of the country for foreigners who apply to enter or pass through the country.

South Africa tourist visa application materials are as follows:

1. Proof of hotel reservation.

2. The letter of guarantee issued by the applicant unit, which is not required for those who are unemployed or retired.

3. Children under the age of 18 need to issue a notarized birth certificate; if one of the parents is not accompanying the child, they must write a letter of consent; if both parents of the child cannot accompany them, they must provide detailed information of the authorized person; a letter of responsibility for expenses.

4. Overseas travel medical insurance.