
现 户籍落户 时间是什么

现户籍落户时间是指户籍落在当地的起算时间。在 户口本个人《常住人口登记卡》最底下一行“何时、何地因何迁至本址”处有迁入的日期。












【英文介绍/For English】:

The current household registration settlement time refers to the starting time when the household registration is settled in the local area. The date of moving in can be found on the bottom line of the personal "Permanent Population Registration Card" of the household registration "when, where, and why you moved to this address".

The transfer of household registration is the principle of registering household registration at the place of permanent residence in China's household registration system. After the permanent residence of a citizen changes, the household registration should be transferred to the current residence, that is, the household registration transfer is carried out.

【Legal Basis】

Article 13 of the "Regulations on Household Registration of the People's Republic of China" stipulates that when a citizen migrates, within three days of arriving at the place of migration, within three days in the city and within ten days in the countryside, the person or the head of the household shall report the migration to the household registration authority with the migration certificate. Entry registration, handing in and canceling the migration certificate. Citizens who do not have a migration certificate shall report to the household registration authority at the place of migration with the following certificates for moving-in registration:

1. For demobilized, demobilized and discharged soldiers, certificates issued by the military service agencies at the county or city level or military agencies at or above the regiment level shall be presented.

2. Overseas Chinese and overseas students returning from abroad shall present their passports or entry documents of the People's Republic of China.

3. A person released by a people's court, a people's procuratorate, or a public security organ shall present a certificate issued by the release organ.