
企业 税号网上怎么 查询

查询税号有以下几种方法:(1)可查询公司银行缴税凭证,在缴税凭证的左上角标有 纳税人识别号;(2)公司开具的增值税专用发票上面有两个纳税人识别号,购货单位纳税人识别号和销货单位纳税人识别号(我方);(3)打开公司的国税税务登记证,正面首页右上角的15位数字就是纳税人识别号;(4)在公司的地税税务登记证上也有税字,当然同一个公司的国税与地税上的纳税人识别号是同一个;(5)打开发票领用簿的第一页,同样可以查到纳税人识别号;(6)如果你知道公司企业法人的名字或公司名称,可直接向税务工作人员查询。



1. 企业注册号在哪里可以查询?


2. 查询企业注册号是否需要收费?


3. 如何查询企业注册号?


  1. 打开国家企业信用信息公示系统官网;
  2. 在“企业公示”栏目下,选择查询方式,可以是按照企业名称、统一社会信用代码等进行查询;
  3. 输入查询条件并进行查询;
  4. 在搜索结果中,找到您要查询的企业,点击进入该企业的详情页面。

4. 为什么我的企业查不到注册号?



【英文介绍/For English】:

There are several ways to inquire about the tax number: (1) You can inquire about the company’s bank tax payment voucher, which is marked with the taxpayer’s identification number on the upper left corner of the tax payment voucher; (2) There are two taxpayers on the special value-added tax invoice issued by the company Identification number, the taxpayer identification number of the purchasing unit and the taxpayer identification number of the selling unit (our side); (3) Open the company's national tax registration certificate, and the 15-digit number in the upper right corner of the front page is the taxpayer identification number; (4 ) There is also tax on the company's local tax registration certificate. Of course, the taxpayer identification number on the national tax and local tax of the same company is the same; (5) Open the first page of the invoice collection book, and you can also find the taxpayer Identification number; (6) If you know the name of the legal person or company name of the company, you can directly inquire with the tax staff.