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Cost of studying in the UK | Cost of studying in the UK

Cost of studying in the UK2022.07.26

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The UK is a country that many young people dream of studying abroad. The high-quality education in the UK has always been praised by the world.Cost of studying in the UKUK university tuition fees list, , Tuition fees at University of Bath, UK, , Cost of studying in the UK for the first year of high schoolThe problem.


Cost of studying in the UK

1. Overview of the costs of studying in the UK

1. Pre-school expenses

1. Application Fee

The UCAS application fee is £12 for one school and £23 for 2-5 schools.

The application fee for a master's degree is generally between 25 and 50 pounds per university. (Some of the top 4 majors are more expensive, for example, the MBA at Oxford and Cambridge costs 150 pounds)

2. IELTS registration fee

The registration fee for IELTS is RMB 1,680, and the reconsideration fee is RMB 1,000. IELTS registration is generally done online. There are test centers in major cities across the country, and there are 1-3 IELTS tests every month. Generally, you have to register in advance, so that students can have a full preparation plan and avoid the embarrassment of being well prepared but the test center is full.

3. Apply for a passport

The cost of applying for a passport is RMB 250. Generally, students bring their household registration and ID card to the local public security bureau and go to the exit and entry management department of the public security bureau to apply for it. Generally, the passport will be issued in 8-15 days, but it is still recommended that students who are planning to go abroad apply for it in advance to be prepared.

4. Visa fees

The cost of a UK study visa is RMB 2,980. The medical examination fee is RMB 500-1,000 (some students need to take a vaccination, but those with a certificate do not need to take one).

5. Security Deposit

To study in the UK, you need to prepare a deposit certificate to prove to the British government that you have the ability to afford tuition and living expenses during your studies. The general deposit is 320,000-350,000 RMB. The specific calculation is one year's tuition + nine months' living expenses. Students are required to deposit the deposit into a bank that can issue a deposit certificate at least 28 days before applying for a visa. It is recommended that parents deposit the deposit in the name of the student. If the deposit is in the name of the parents, some certificates are required.

6. Deposit

Since all students will apply to many schools at the same time, after the offer is issued, the school requires students to pay a deposit to confirm their place. The deposit fee is 600-2000 pounds, depending on the requirements of the offer.

7. Air Tickets

The general airfare is 6000-7000 RMB (one way), of course, this needs to be purchased in advance. I usually ask students to buy a one-way ticket when they first go, and buy a round-trip ticket when they come back from vacation and have a specific time plan.

II. Tuition

Foreign institutions are divided into public and private. The tuition fees of public institutions are generally within 20,000 pounds, and those of private institutions are between 20,000 and 40,000 pounds. Most schools require students to pay tuition fees in semesters after they are enrolled, and very few schools require students to pay in full at one time. (Generally, the tuition fees for the first semester will be deducted from the deposit, and if it is not enough, it will be paid later).

3. Living Expenses

1. Basic expenses

The living expenses in London are generally 1,000 pounds per month, and 800 pounds per month in non-London areas. (This is an average standard, and the specific cost depends on the student's lifestyle).

2. Accommodation Fees

The accommodation fee in London is 150-190 pounds, and the accommodation fee in non-London areas is 80-150 pounds. Different rooms have different charges, and students need to choose the room they like according to their own situation.

2. Application process for UK study visa

1. Fill in the online application form

Before booking an appointment, you will need to fill out an application form online.

After completing the form, print it and sign it. If you use online payment service, you need to print the confirmation letter issued by Worldpay and bring it to the visa application center as proof of payment.

Note: All information filled in must be accurate and true. After completing the online application, you will receive an email containing an application number (ie "GWF reference number"), please remember this number.

2. Make an appointment online

After filling in the application form, you will enter the online appointment system. Select the visa center where you want to submit your application, and select the appointment date and visit time.

Note: Summer camps and designated destination tour groups should complete the online application, but should not make online reservations. The tour leader should contact the local visa application center to make group reservations.

3. Visit the Visa Application Centre

Bring all your documents including the printed application form, passport and passport photo, and cash for visa fees if you have not chosen online payment, to the visa application centre for your appointment. Then your biometric information will be collected, i.e. a photo and digital fingerprint scan. When you submit your visa application and biometric information at the visa application centre, you may need to attend a short interview. The interview aims to understand your true purpose for coming to the UK. This type of interview is also called an integrity interview.

Note: Applicants under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult when registering their biometrics. This does not include application centre staff.

4. Collect your passport

Once your visa application has been processed, you can choose to collect your passport in person at the Visa Application Centre, or pay an additional fee to have your passport couriered.

3. Interpretation of the guarantee fund for studying in the UK

1. What is a security deposit?

The guarantee fund is a guarantee fund that all students who study in the UK need to prepare. It is a standard used by the UK to judge the financial ability of the student and whether he can support his studies successfully.

2. How much guarantee should I deposit for studying in the UK?

Normally, the deposit amount of the study abroad guarantee fund cannot be less than the sum of the estimated living expenses in the school's location and the school tuition (i.e. tuition + 9 months of estimated living expenses). If the student needs to take a language class, the deposit must also include the language class tuition and living expenses during the language class.

3. Deposit standard for guarantee fund for studying in the UK:

Deposit amount = RMB 350,000-400,000 or more. If the tuition fee is more than 250,000, it is recommended to deposit more than 450,000.

4. When and how to open a deposit certificate?

The student can go to the bank with his/her ID card to deposit the money. When depositing the guarantee, please make sure it is in your own name. If it is deposited in the name of parents, after issuing the certificate, when submitting the visa application, parents will need to provide many relevant certificates to explain the relationship and agree that the deposit will be used for the student. Therefore, it is recommended to deposit it in the name of the student unless there are special circumstances.

Deposit form: Deposit in the form of a deposit certificate or passbook, and apply for a six-month regular automatic transfer (regular automatic transfer at least one month before submitting a visa)

Deposit currency: RMB, GBP, RMB + GBP (the converted amount must reach the recommended "deposit amount")

Deposit in: Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of Communications, and China Construction Bank are recommended.


1) After the security deposit is deposited, it cannot be used before applying for a visa to avoid unnecessary trouble;

2) Do not issue a deposit certificate on the same day as depositing the security deposit (the deposit must be kept in the bank for 28 days before issuing a deposit certificate);

3) Ensure that the visa materials are submitted within 31 days of the deposit certificate being issued.

5. Why choose to deposit the security deposit in a domestic bank?

1) Some foreign banks do not provide so-called deposit certificates or receipts, so you need to get a bank statement. Some visa centers will inevitably encounter some minor troubles when reviewing the bank statement.

2) Different foreign banks have different definitions of deposit certificates/receipts. It is possible that parents and students may be confused when handling business at the bank and wonder whether the certificates issued are corresponding.

Summary of the cost of studying in the UK

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Tuition fees at University of Bath, UK UK university tuition fees list Cost of studying in the UK for the first year of high school



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