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Cost of studying in the United States | Cost of studying in the United States for postgraduate students

Cost of studying in the United States2022.07.14

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The cost of studying in the United States for one year has always been one of the topics that parents are most concerned about, and it is also a very important reference indicator for many parents and children to apply for schools.A brief overview of the approximate cost of studying in the United StatesCost of studying in the United States, , Cost of studying abroad in the United States, , Cost of studying in the United States, , How much does it cost to study in the United StatesThe problem.


A brief overview of the approximate cost of studying in the United States

1. Overview of the approximate cost of studying in the United States

1. Tuition fees for studying in the United States

Due to the different nature of the schools you apply to, the different economic development levels of the cities or regions where the schools are located, and the different personal consumption habits, it is difficult for us to give an accurate figure for the cost of studying abroad.

1. High school tuition

Public high schools: Annual tuition fees are approximately 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.

Private high school: Annual tuition fee is approximately 300,000 to 500,000 yuan.

2. Undergraduate tuition fees

Tuition fees for public comprehensive universities: approximately 200,000 to 300,000 yuan per year.

The annual tuition fee for undergraduate studies at a private comprehensive university is approximately RMB 300,000 to 500,000.

Liberal Arts College: Annual tuition is approximately 200,000 to 300,000 yuan.

Community college: Annual tuition is approximately 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

3. Graduate tuition fees

Some American graduate schools calculate tuition fees based on the number of credits per semester, with each credit costing $800-1800. A one-year program requires 32 to 36 credits, and a one-and-a-half or two-year program requires 50 to 60 credits.

Graduate tuition fees for public comprehensive universities: approximately RMB 200,000 to 300,000 per year.

The graduate tuition fee for a private comprehensive university is about 300,000 to 500,000 yuan per year.

2. Living Expenses

1. Accommodation

Regarding accommodation, different schools have different regulations. Generally speaking, accommodation will be provided during the undergraduate stage (at least the first year). If you rent a house outside, the rent is around $500-$2000.

2. Transportation

Generally, there are free campus buses for school activities. However, since university campuses are usually far from the central city, the only way to get into the city is by public transportation. For example, the New York subway costs $121 per month and $2.75 per card.

If you travel frequently in a big village, buying a used car is also the choice of many people. The price is cheaper than in China and the procedures are not too complicated.

3. Diet

In the United States, students usually choose to eat in school cafeterias, with each meal costing less than $10.

3. Others

This varies from person to person. In addition to most of the above expenses, living expenses also include some shopping, entertainment, socializing, telephone bills, daily necessities, etc., ranging from US$150 to US$200 per month.

Living expenses in different regions:

Generally speaking, American cities can be divided into four levels according to the cost of living (excluding additional consumption such as buying cars, traveling, telephones, and entertainment):

Level 1 refers to large cities in the United States, such as San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Washington, etc. The living expenses for studying in the United States are 1,000-2,000 US dollars per month;

Level 2 refers to large cities in the United States, such as Pittsburgh, Seattle, Radar, Atlanta, etc., with living expenses of $800-1,000 per month;

Level 3 refers to some states in the southern, midwestern, and southeastern United States, such as Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Georgia, etc., with living expenses of $600-800 per month;

Level 4 includes Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, South Carolina, etc., with living expenses of US$450-600 per month.

The cost of living when studying in the United States will not be as large as the cost of accommodation. When studying in the United States, the cost of food, clothing, housing, and transportation for students varies greatly from state to state. Generally, it is around $6,000-8,000 per year. In large cities such as New York, Boston, and San Francisco, the cost of living will be higher. If the child likes to go shopping or eat out in restaurants, the cost of living can easily double.

For example, in Manhattan, New York, a month's rent for a single person is about US0-1200, but if you go to Kansas, you only need US0-700. The price of buying a bottle of fresh milk in New York is almost the same as in Kansas. Generally speaking, accommodation includes meal expenses in the host family's monthly rent, but additional transportation expenses must be borne. If you live in a school dormitory, you need to pay for meals separately. Usually, students can use the school cafeteria or buy a buffet card, which costs about US$2 to US$7 per meal.

2. TOEFL requirements for studying in the United States

TOEFL score in high school: 90 points or above

Boarding high schools have higher and higher score requirements. In the past, it was not difficult to apply to schools ranked 30 to 50 with a TOEFL score of 85-90, but now it takes about 100 points. In addition to scores, boarding high schools pay more and more attention to other background requirements of students, such as specialties, extracurricular activities, and interviews, and the admission requirements are getting higher and higher. It is not just boarding high schools, but also good day schools that are increasingly difficult to apply for. It is difficult to choose a good school from tens of thousands of day schools.

TOEFL score for bachelor's degree: 100 or above

Language scores have always been a hard requirement for applying to overseas universities. However, most applicants have no major problems with their subject level, but their TOEFL scores have always been poor. According to a domestic study abroad market report, among the top 50 universities in the United States, 46% requires a TOEFL score of 100 or above.

TOEFL score for master's degree: 100 points or above

In the graduate application process, the language score requirements for each discipline are different. For example, if you plan to apply to the top 30 business schools in the United States, you basically need to get 100 points; based on admission experience, you may need around 105 points. If it is engineering, such as electronic engineering and computer science, 100 points are enough, but there are also examples of 80 or 90 points, and these students often perform very well in other aspects.

How many points does the doctoral TOEFL test have: 100 points or more

In the application of full scholarship doctoral students in the United States, TOEFL scores of 90-100 and GRE scores of 320+3.0 and above are recognized by most schools. However, some American schools and departments will look at whether the applicant's TOEFL speaking score reaches 23 or 24. Of course, some liberal arts and business majors, such as journalism, media, linguistics, etc., have higher language expression requirements for students applying for full scholarship doctoral students in the United States than those in science and engineering majors.

3. Ways to reduce the cost of studying in the United States

1. Apply for a scholarship

Scholarships are mostly available to graduate students. They are a kind of reward given to you for helping professors or participating in research projects while you are studying. They are similar to a monthly student salary. Undergraduate students basically don't have to think about this. However, if you are lucky enough to be noticed by a professor while you are an undergraduate, you may get it.

2. Strive for scholarships

There are two types of scholarships mentioned here, one is the on-campus scholarship, and the other is the foundation scholarship. The foundation scholarship is actually provided by outside the school, that is, private individuals or companies. As a student, you can apply for on-campus or off-campus scholarships. Of course, off-campus scholarships have more content and richer content than on-campus scholarships.

3. Apply for tuition fee reduction

This is also available, but this type of tuition reduction has various regulations and conditions, such as for students with disabilities or families with serious income tragedies. Of course, if you can prove that your family's financial ability cannot help you complete your studies, you can also apply for this.

4. Save or reduce accommodation on and off campus

This is a type of scholarship specially set up by American schools to reduce the cost of studying in the United States for international students. Lisicheng Overseas Study Cloud introduced that if you feel that you cannot afford such high accommodation fees if you live in the school, and your family also has financial difficulties, you can make this request and apply to the school.

5. Obtain research and teaching assistantships

Graduate schools in the United States will set up these two types of service-based financial aid, but they are only available to students who are studying for a master's degree or higher in the United States. This requires good academic performance and a strong level of English, and further review by professors or school service agencies before you can get it.

A brief overview of the approximate cost of studying in the United States

Summary of the approximate cost of studying in the United States

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Cost of studying abroad in the United States Cost of studying in the United States Cost of studying in the United States How much does it cost to study in the United States



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