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    八年级上学期英语期中试卷 重庆市期中试卷 2021-2024年八年级上册英语期中测试卷及答案
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    这是一份重庆大学城第三中学校2022-2023学年八年级上学期半期调研英语试题,共21页。试卷主要包含了5 分,共 9 分), A,3 FM等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (全卷共九个大题,满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
    第 I 卷 (共 95 分)
    听力测试。(共 30 分)
    第一节:情景反应。(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)
    听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。
    第二节:对话理解。(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)
    听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。
    () 10. A. She usually des hmewrk.
    She usually des husewrk.
    She usually ges shpping.
    () 11. A. T Shanghai.B. T Beijing.C. T Guangzhu.
    () 12. A. She has lng straight hair.B. She has shrt straight hair.C. She has lng curly hair.
    第三节:长对话理解。(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)
    听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。听第一段材料,回答第 13 和 14 小题。
    () 13. Hw did Peter lk nw?
    A. Wrried.B. Relaxed.C. Tired. () 14. Which prgram did Peter watch last night?
    A. A talk shw.B. A talent shw.C. A sap pera.
    () 1. A. It’s fr us.
    () 2. A. Last mnth.
    () 3. A. In the mrning.
    B. I saw it just nw.
    B. T Beijing.
    B. In the park.
    C. Because it’s interesting.
    C. With their friends.
    C. Once a day.
    () 4. A. Emily.
    B. Yes, Emily des.
    C. Emily is quiet.
    () 5. A. It’s a new radi.
    B. 89.3 FM.
    C. I have a radi.
    () 6. A.I swim every day.
    B. Swimming, f curse.
    C. I can swim in the sea.
    () 7. A. Talent shws.
    B. Sprts shws.
    C. Game shws.
    () 8. A. An actr.
    B. A farmer.
    C. A teacher.
    () 9. A. The pian.
    B. The vilin.
    C. The drums.
    听第二段材料,回答第 15 和 16 小题。
    () 15. What des Nelly want t d with her father?
    A. T play games.B. T fly a kite.C. T have a walk. () 16. Hw lng will it take Nelly’s father t finish the wrk?
    A. Ten minutes.B. Fifteen minutes.C. Twenty minutes.
    第四节:短文理解。(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)
    听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。
    () 17. Kate is in nw.
    A. Hng KngB. ShanghaiC. Guangzhu () 18. Kate is mving t Wuhan next .
    A. weekB. mnthC. year () 19. Kate felt these days.
    A. tired but happyB. tired and sadC. wrried and bred () 20. Kate is planning t this summer vacatin.
    A. study in ShanghaiB. visit Sally in ShanghaiC. write a letter t Sally
    单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
    () 21. D yu knw Shenzhu-13 was sent up int the sky. It is really exciting news.
    A. aB. anC. theD. /
    () 22. I tk my child during the summer vacatin. We had a great time there.
    A. smewhere relaxing; stayingB. smewhere relaxing; stay
    C. t smewhere relaxing; stayingD. t smewhere relaxed; t stay
    () 23. Hw wnderful the wrds are! The writer is truly talented writing this kind f bk.
    A. inB. fC.abutD. n () 24. Linda is nt as as my friend.
    A. quietB. quieterC. much quietD. the quietest () 25. —Grace, wh d yu think the best in the mvie?
    —Alan. I think he did better than the ther actrs.
    A. actB. actsC. actedD. is acting () 26. Yu will be the best yu try yur best.
    A. althughB. thughC. as lng asD. hwever () 27. —Hw ften d yu have pian lessns?
    — a week, n Mnday and Thursday.
    A. OnceB. TwiceC. Three timesD. Fur times
    () 28. It’s raining hard nw s we can g ut.
    A. hardlyB. hardC. harderD. hardest () 29. Mr. Bean enjys jkes and he ften makes us .
    A. telling; laughB. t tell; laughing
    C. t tell; laughD. telling; laughing
    () 30. Students shuld spend and study t d well n the exam.
    A.enugh time;careful enughB.enugh time; carefully enugh C time enugh; enugh carefulD.enugh time; enugh careful
    完形填空 。(每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
    根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
    D yu knw abut Li Ziqi? She lives in the 31f Mianyang City in Sichuan Prvince.
    She is a village girl, 32she surprises the wrld with her shrt vides abut China’s cuntryside life. Nw she is a famus vide blgger (著名的视频博主).
    When Li Ziqi was yung, her parents divrced(离婚). She went t live with her father. In 1996,
    her father died. She had t live with her grandparents. Her grandfather was gd 33cking fd. She 34him and learned what he was gd at. At the age f 14, she went t 35in twn. Hwever, she culdn’t make much mney, s she lived a 36life. In 2012, Li Ziqi’s
    grandmther was ill(生病), s she had t g back t her hme village.
    T make mney, she started an nline 37t sell things. In 2015, she learned t make shrt vides abut cking fd. She hardly ever speaks in the vides 38she just wants peple t watch hw she cks. She put them nline. Sn they gt ppular and then she 39well-knwn.
    “Mst peple tday are facing great stress(巨大压力) f wrk and life, s I want t use my shrt
    vides t make them 40and feel happy, ” she said.
    () 31. A. twn
    B. farm
    C. cuntryside
    D. park
    () 32. A. but
    B. s
    C. when
    D. after
    () 33. A. in
    B. at
    C. t
    D. with
    () 34. A. describe
    B. picked
    C. fllwed
    D. disliked
    () 35. A. walk
    B. wrk
    C. study
    D. wait
    () 36. A. nice
    B. cl
    C. hard
    D. happy
    () 37. A. shp
    B. museum
    C. library
    D. hspital
    () 38. A. befre
    B. if
    C. r
    D. because
    () 39. A. became
    B. is becming
    C. becmes
    D. becme
    () 40. A. bred
    B. bring
    C. relaxed
    D. relaxing
    IV. 阅读理解。(41~43,每小题 1 分,44~59,每小题 2 分,共 35 分)
    阅读下列材料,从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
    Dear Laura,
    Let me tell yu hw I spend my free time. I like playing basketball and vlleyball. I jin the sprts club. I g there three times a week. In the evening,I watch TV fr an hur. After that, I read bks fr half an hur. I ften g swimming n Saturday. On Sunday, I usually g t the museum with my friend. I wnder what yu like t d in yur free time. Please write t me.
    Yurs, Jeff
    Dear Jeff,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. I’m in the swimming club. I g there n Tuesday and Thursday. In the evening, I practice the guitar fr an hur. I hardly ever watch TV because I think it’s bring. I like tennis best. I always play tennis with my sister n Saturday. I smetimes g shpping n Sunday.
    Yurs, Laura
    () 41. Jeff reads bks fr in the evening.
    A. an hurB. half an hurC. twenty minutesD. fifteen minutes () 42. Laura ges t the swimming club .
    A. nce a mnthB. twice a mnthC. twice a weekD. three times a week () 43. Laura hardly ever watches TV because .
    A. her TV desn’t wrkB. she thinks it’s bring
    C. she desn’t have free timeD. her parents dn’t want her t d that
    Mrs. White had a yung cat, and it was the cat’s first winter. One evening, it went ut when it began t snw heavily. Mrs. White lked everywhere and called its name, but she did nt find it, s she called the plice and said, “I lst a small brwn cat. Did anybdy find ne?”
    “N, Madam,” said the pliceman, “But the cats are really strng animals. They smetimes live fr days in the snw and when it melts (融化) r smebdy finds them, they are all right.” Mrs. White felt happier when she heard this. “And,” she said, “ur cat is very clever. She almst…”
    The pliceman was getting tired. “Well, then” he said, “Why dn’t yu put yur telephne dwn?
    Maybe she is trying t telephne yu nw.”
    () 44. Mrs. White’s cat .
    A. was at hmeB. was very ldC. was cleverD. was lst
    () 45. The stry happened .
    A. n a winter eveningB. in the mrning
    C. when the snw meltedD. when the pliceman was tired
    () 46. The underlined wrd"she"in the last sentence(句子) refers t(指的是) .
    A. Mrs. White’ s catB. the pliceman’s wife
    C. ne f Mrs. White’s friendsD. ne f the plicewmen
    () 47. The pliceman was getting tired because .
    A. he had t lk fr the catB. Mrs. White’s cat was strng
    C. it’s hard fr him t find the catD. Mrs. White talked t much t him
    Hi Maur,
    Hw are yu? I hpe yu and yur family are well.
    Helen and I spent three fantastic weeks in Ireland and had a great time. We flew t Dublin, the capital(首都), and spent a week there. It is a beautiful, interesting city(城市). We saw all the ld buildings and enjyed the nightlife.
    After that, we rented( 租 用 ) a car and spent tw weeks driving arund the cuntry. It’s really beautiful! I was wrried abut the weather, but it didn’t rain nce. We stayed in a small htel and met
    sme really nice peple.
    My favrite place was Cunty May. We went walking in the muntains in Cunty May fr a few days. It was really quiet. On the first day, we didn’t see anyne else-we nly saw sheep!
    Nw we’re back in New Yrk! Hw was yur summer? Did yu have a gd time? Please write t me and tell me everything! Or why nt cme and visit New Yrk? There are sme cheap flights (航班) in September and the weather is still OK.
    () 48. Mark went t Ireland .
    A. by trainB. by busC. by planeD. by ship
    () 49. What was Mark wrried abut when he drve arund Ireland?
    A. The car.B. The htels.C. The peple.D. The weather.
    () 50. Mark invited Maur t .
    A. cme t New YrkB. visit Cunty May
    C. walk in the muntainsD. see the ld buildings in Dublin
    () 51. Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    Mark enjyed his vacatin in Ireland.
    Mark stayed in Dublin fr tw weeks.
    Yur friend,
    The weather is bad in September in New Yrk.
    The flights t New Yrk are expensive in September.
    Tm is a 14-year-ld by. He really likes sprts. He says sprts make him healthy and relaxed.
    But his best friend is quiet. Smetimes his friend likes sharing his favrite bks with Tm. But Tm desn't like them. He thinks they are bring.
    “In fact, I want t tell him I have different hbbies,” Tm said. “But I dn't want t hurt his
    feelings and harm (伤害) ur friendship. What can I d?”
    Friends can be different. This is very cmmn. It is imprtant t talk with yur friends. But yu shuld be careful abut hw t talk with them. Here are sme tips fr yu.
    First, listen carefully t yur friends. Althugh yu may want t explain (解释) yurself, listening
    t yur friends first may keep yu calm. Yu will als better understand yur friends.
    Next, express (表达) yurself plitely (礼貌地). Remember, yu are nt trying t argue (争吵).
    Winning r lsing is nt imprtant. Dn't try t make yur friends think like yu.
    Lastly and mst imprtantly, shw yur friends that yu think yur friendship imprtant even if yu disagree (不同意) abut smething.
    Real friends respect (尊重) each ther.
    () 52. Frm the passage we knw that Tm desn't want t .
    A. harm his friend's feelingsB. talk t his best friend
    C. make friends with thersD. see his friend, Tm
    () 53. Hw many tips are given in the passage?
    A. 2B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.
    () 54. In which clumn (栏目) f a magazine can we read the passage?
    A. Music.B. Nature.C. Sprts.D. Friends.
    () 55. What will Tm d next accrding t the passage?
    A. He will argue with his friend.B. He will make his friend like sprts.
    C. He will talk t his friend plitely.D. He will try t think like his friend.
    Take a lk at yur parents’ mbile phnes. Can yu see a small “5G”at the tp?D yu knw what it is?5G means “5th generatin mbile netwrk(第五代移动通信技术)”.
    Each mbile phne can wrk faster than befre with 5G. In 1980s, with 1G,we made phne calls
    fr the first time. Arund ten years later, 2G let us send messages. Then in 2000s we can use the Internet t listen t music and send emails with 3G. Later,we culd watch films and even buy things in 2010s with 4G. T ur surprise, 5G is cming nw. What’s special abut 5G?
    D yu have nline classes at hme?With 5G, yu can have classes utside yur hme. The class
    can g as well as the nes yu have at hme. Students frm pr places can have the chance t study just like yu d.
    In sme mvies,yu might see cars that can drive by themselves--yu tell them where yu want t g, and they take yu there as fast as pssible. With 5G, we can see cars like this in ur life. It makes self-driving cars safer. These cars can send messages t each ther. They can als “talk”t traffic lights.
    5G will make cars mve even faster than human drivers.
    5G netwrks are abut 100 times faster than 4G. This means yu can dwnlad(下载) a mvie in a few secnds using 5G, and makes yur vide calls clearer. What’s mre, VR games will becme mre
    ppular with 5G. It will make the games feel even mre real.
    All in all, 5G will change the way peple live and make ur life mre cmfrtable and cnvenient (方便的) than ever befre. Yu wn’t have t wait t lng t enjy it. Nw yu can buy a new
    mbile phne t use 5G netwrks. Yu can buy 5G phnes fr abut 8000 yuan right nw. But experts say that abut ne and a half years later, the price culd g dwn t arund 2000 yuan. Why nt try
    () 56. In this passage, the writer mentins(提及) .
    1G appeared in 1990s
    2G let us make calls fr the first time
    3G made peple start using the Internet
    4G helps dwnlad a mvie in secnds
    () 57. Frm the passage, with 5G what can we d?
    ① have nline classes② have self-driving cars③ see a dctr at hme
    ④ study better⑤ make vide calls clearer
    A. ①②③B. ②④⑤C. ①②⑤D. ①④⑤
    () 58. T shw hw 5G changes ur lives, the writer mainly ..
    A. gives examplesB. gives definitins(定义)
    C. gives numbersD. tells stries
    () 59. If we put the passage int fur parts, which f the fllwing might be the right structure(结构) f the passage?
    口语应用。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
    A:Hi Lisa. Hw was yur vacatin?
    B: 60 I went t Hainan with my family. A:Really? Ww! 61
    B: Well, we went t the beach. It was really exciting. A:Did yu g shpping?
    B:Yeah,I did.
    A:Hw were the stres? B: 62
    A:And hw were the peple? Were they friendly?
    B: 63 My parents have sme friends there, and we had dinner at their huse. A: 64
    B: There were many kinds f sea fd there, and they were very delicius. A: Did everyne have a gd time?
    B: Oh,yes,we did. Everything was excellent.
    It was great!
    N, I bught nthing.
    Hw was the fd?
    Yeah, they were really friendly.
    Did yu g ut with anyne?
    Oh, they were much cheaper than thse in Chngqing, and I bught smething fr my best friend.
    Did yu d anything special there?
    第 II 卷 (共 55 分)
    任务型阅读。(65-67 每小题 2 分,68 小题 3 分,共 9 分) 阅读下文并回答问题。
    These days, a TV shw called Readers is becming mre and mre ppular. It's a shw that
    tuches many peple's heart. Different peple can read alud n the stage and tell the tuching stry behind them. They can read pems, bks and letters.
    Many peple are fans f the shw. After watching the shw, they begin t read alud at hme.
    Sme f them even read in public just like the shw n TV.
    “That's what we want." A Chinese teacher in a middle schl says. "We need a her (英雄) t lead a right way t read. At the same time, the shw influences (影响) students a lt. They buy and brrw the bks that have been read in the shw.”
    “Reading shuld just be like singing and talking, we can express (表达) ur deep feelings thrugh reading alud.” said Dng Qing, the hstess f the shw. This might be the main reasn why Readers becme ne f the best TV shws these days.
    The aim (目的) f the shw is trying t encurage (鼓励) peple t read a lt. In fact, this is als what ur cuntry is trying t d nw. Have yu read tday? This might be the questin asked by
    peple when they meet each ther every day.
    Is Reader ppular these days?
    What can peple read in the shw?
    Accrding t the passage, why is the shw becming s ppular?
    D yu like reading alud? Why r why nt?
    完成句子,一空一词,包含缩略词。(每题 2 分,共 10 分)
    I bught smething in Beijing. (变否定句)
    I buy in Beijing.
    Jack plays sccer with his brther three times a week. (对划线部分提问)
    des Jack play sccer with his brther?
    Chngqing is htter than any ther city in China.(同义句) Chngqing is city in China.
    The smart phne an imprtant in tday's life.
    We must the exam .
    短文填空。(每空 2 分,共 16 分)
    Mst peple’s New Year’s wish is abut physical health. But what can yu d t keep healthy? Maybe fr children, Having healthy 74 habits is ne f the mst imprtant things. Here are sme ideas abut hw t eat healthily.
    Having breakfast
    A gd breakfast is very imprtant t children. It’s necessary t have it in the mrning. Sme children ften g t schl withut breakfast, just 75 they want t sleep a little lnger.
    Remember that a gd breakfast will help yu study better.
    Having milk
    Milk is als very imprtant t children’s health. It makes children grw much 76. It’s better fr yu t drink a glass f warm milk 77ging t bed. That will help yu have a gd sleep.
    Drinking enugh water
    Peple can eat 78fr several days, but if they dn’t drink water fr a few days, they will feel uncmfrtable. S drinking 79water is imprtant. One f the survey (调查) reprts
    80that we shuld drink eight glasses f water during a day.
    Having healthy fd
    Having healthy fd is the mst imprtant. That means eating lts f different 81f fd, such as fruit and vegetables. Dn’t eat t much chclate r ice-cream. Sme f yu like eating fast fd, but in fact it is nt gd fr yur health.
    Have healthy eating habits, and yu will have a strng bdy.
    书面表达。(20 分)
    你和最要好的小学同学 Je 毕业后就没再见面了,请给她写一封信聊聊你的近况。要点:
    词数要求:不少于 80 字,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Je,
    Lng time n see!
    76. 77.
    80. 81.

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    72,重庆市大学城第三中学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题: 这是一份72,重庆市大学城第三中学校2023-2024学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题,共2页。试卷主要包含了5分,共15分),By car, Yes, Did; use 70, Instead 75等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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