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    这是一份精品解析:2021年天津市河西区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版),文件包含精品解析2021年天津市河西区中考二模英语试题含听力原卷版doc、精品解析2021年天津市河西区中考二模英语试题含听力解析版doc、20-21河西九二模听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共35页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. B. C.
    5. When is Lucy’s sister leaving fr Paris?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Next Mnday.B. Next Tuesday.C. Next Friday.
    6. Where is Lily?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. In the garden.B. In her rm.C. In the schl.
    7. Wh did Li Fang study English with?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Mary.B. Linda.C. Kate.
    8. Where is the wman prbably ging t wrk?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. In Chngqing r Tianjin.
    B. In Beijing r Shanghai.
    C. In Beijing r Tianjin.
    9. What’s wrng with Bruce?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. He has a headache.B. He has a tthache.C. He has a backache.
    10. Why isn’t the wman ging swimming?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. She has t buy a cat.B. It’s a cld day.C. She’s nt well.
    11. Wh is ill?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. Lily.B. Lily’s mther.C. Lily’s father.
    12. Why des Lily cllect kites?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. They lk beautiful and flying kites is gd fr health.
    B. The kites are beautiful and interesting.
    C. She likes beautiful things.
    13. When did the girl get a red car?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. On her eighth birthday.B. When she was eighteen.C. When she was sixteen.
    14. Which place has the wman been t twice?【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    A. The water park.B. The nature park.C. The space museum.
    15. Wh went t Sanya fr winter hliday?
    A. Tina’s friends.B. Tina’s family.C. Only Tina.
    16. Hw was the weather there?
    A. It was cld.B. It was cl.C. It was warm.
    17. What did Tina think f the trip?
    A. It was lng.B. It was great.C. It was tiring.
    18. What did Susan buy?
    A. A ticket fr a film.B. A ticket fr a cncert.C. A ticket fr a ftball match.
    19. Where des Susan sing every day?
    A. By the lake behind her huse.
    B. By the lake in frnt f her huse.
    C. In the park in frnt f her huse.
    20. What des Susan hpe t be when she grws up?
    A. A music teacher.B. A player.C. A singer.
    21. I’m ging t give ________ interview n the new bk. ________ interview is imprtant t me.
    A. a; TheB. an; TheC. the; TheD. an; An
    22. —I feel a bit hungry
    —Why dn’t yu have ________ bread?
    A. smeB. anyC. littleD. few
    23. Thugh ur team played well, we didn’t ________ the cmpetitin.
    A. dB. succeedC. winD. scre
    24. Studying in anther city is a different ________. Yu can have a try.
    A. electricityB. exerciseC. exhibitinD. experience
    25. Jenny is afraid f travelling by plane. She always lks ________ when she is getting n it.
    A. nervusB. excitedC. uglyD. lively
    26. Tm ________ his bike and lay n the grund.
    A. turned ffB. filled utC. fell awayD. fell ff
    27. We mustn’t speak ludly in the cinema. We ________ keep quiet.
    A. shuldB. mayC. shuldn’tD. can’t
    28. I didn’t knw ________ they culd pass the exam r nt.
    A. thatB. whatC. whetherD. why
    29. —________ des it take yu t finish yur hmewrk every day?
    —Abut ne and a half hurs.
    A. Hw farB. Hw lngC. Hw ftenD. What time
    30. There ________ a lt f rain in this area in August last year.
    A. areB. wereC. isD. was
    31. —What’s yur plan fr the summer hlidays?
    —I’ve n idea, but I’ve decided ________ at hme and have a gd rest first.
    A. stayB. t stayC. stayedD. staying
    32. —Tm, if yu ________ stp playing ftball, yur father ________ angry with yu.
    —But Mum, yu knw I’m crazy abut ftball.
    A. wn’t; will beB. wn’t; isC. dn’t; will beD. dn’t; is
    33. It is said that a new schl ________ near my hme next year.
    A. will be builtB. was builtC. is builtD. has built
    34. —Can yu tell me ________?
    —Apples are my favurite.
    A. what fruit d yu likeB. what fruit did yu likeC. what fruit yu likeD. what fruit yu liked
    35. —We’ll have a picnic tmrrw. Wuld yu like t jin us?
    —________ I will have my pian class tmrrw afternn.
    A. Srry, I mustn’t.B. Srry, I may nt.C. Srry, I needn’t.D. What a pity!
    Je Azugar was walking his dg when a bear appeared suddenly. “When it came up, the first thing my dg did was t ____36____ me and attack(攻击)the bear,” Azugar said frm his bed in the hspital.
    Then Azugar ran int his huse and began t ____37____ his neighburs, warning them what was ging n. “As I lked arund, I saw the bear pull my dg int the ____38____. And t my great sadness, the dg was killed,” he said.
    Then suddenly, the bear came back and it brke thrugh the huse’s back windw. Azugar began thrwing things at the bear and making lud nises. Then he std n a chair t make himself lk much ____39____.
    “It seemed as if the bear was very hungry,” said Azugar. “I thught my best chance was t run utside ____40____ smene culd find me.”
    Azugar began running, but the bear ____41____ him.
    “It had fur paws(爪子)n tp f me,” he said. “Then, it ____42____ my bdy and tried t bite my stmach. That gave me just a few ____43____ t turn int a ball and prtect my head.”
    The bear began t pull Azugar’s bdy, “By that time I culd feel my bdy becming lifeless,” Azugar said.
    Luckily, tw wmen, wh were driving by, saved him. Their car was such a frightening thing the bear’s eyes that it ran ____44____ int the wds
    “I am just thankful t thse tw angels(天使)that saved me in time,” he said.
    “Peple, wh have lived here fr 20 r 30 years, said they had ____45____ seen anything like this,” said Azugar. He is the first ne, and he hpes that he will be als the last ne. “Nw I’m planning t mve smewhere else nce I cme ut f hspital.”
    36. A. leaveB. prtectC. stpD. fllw
    37. A. callB. calmC. visitD. save
    38. A. huseB. wdsC. waterD. fire
    39. A. largerB. clevererC. kinderD. smaller
    40. A. as ifB. even ifC. s thatD. ever since
    41. A. changedB. frgtC. ateD. caught
    42. A. cut ffB. put upC. turned verD. pinted ut
    43. A. secndsB. minutesC. hursD. days
    44. A. reallyB. badlyC. slwlyD. quickly
    45. A. ftenB. neverC. nceD. smetimes
    46. _______ is frm Canada.
    A. Bill GatesB. Mark TwainC. Thmas EdisnD. Celine Din
    47. The _____ was brn in 1835.
    A. inventrB. writerC. dctrD. singer
    48. My Heart Will G On is the name f a ______.
    A. bkB. filmC. sngD. stry
    49. Dr Bethune wrked in China fr abut ______years.
    A. 2B. 4C. 6D. 8
    50. Which f the fllwing is true?
    A. Mark Twain wrte Business at the Speed f Thught.
    B. Bill Gates started wrking fr Micrsft Cmpany in 1995.
    C. Thmas Edisn made ver 1,000 inventins.
    D. Celine Din stpped singing 1997.
    Andrew was smart when he was yung. He liked ding things in a way that he thught t be clever. But smetimes he made wrng chices.
    One day his father gave him ten dllars and asked him t buy sme gldfish. When he gt t the market, he fund that the killifish(鳉鱼) lked like small gldfish, and they were much cheaper. S he bught sme killifish and kept the rest f the mney fr himself.
    When he gt hme, his father realized what Andrew did at nce. He put the fish in the tank(鱼缸) withut saying anything at first. He knew his sn didn’t buy the right fish. At the same time, he thught his sn might have an advantage in marketing(市场销售). And he shuld think f a way t help his sn grw well. He had an idea. Then he said t his sn, “Andrew, d yu knw what yu bught yesterday? Are they gldfish?” Andrew didn’t knw what t say. His father cntinued, “I’m glad yu knw hw t save mney. But it’s nt right t be dishnest. Yu shuld d things hnestly, r thers wn’t trust yu.” Then he helped Andrew start with sme chres, like buying daily things, helping his uncle in the stre and managing his wn pcket mney. Later, Andrew wrked as a salesman. He felt himself strng in marketing and kept wrking hard at it. Finally, he became a successful businessman.
    Several years later, when talking abut the key t his success, Andrew said, “Thanks t my father, I gt t knw myself well and develped in a right way.”
    51. Hw much mney did Andrew spend n the fish?
    A. Just ten dllars.B. Less than ten dllars.
    C. Mre than ten dllars.D. Mre than twenty dllars.
    52. What might the underlined “chres” mean in Chinese?
    A 困难B. 事业C. 琐事D. 学业
    53. Which f the fllwing is the right rder accrding t the passage?
    ①Andrew’s father saw the killifish.
    ②Andrew became a successful businessman.
    ③Andrew gt ten dllars frm his father.
    ④Andrew helped his uncle in the stre.
    A. ①③④②B. ③④①②C. ④①②③D. ③①④②
    54. Why did Andrew thank his father?
    A. Because his father taught him hw t grw better.
    B. Because his father taught him hw t lk after himself.
    C. Because his father tld him the imprtance f helping thers.
    D Because his father helped him find a gd jb.
    55. What can we knw frm the passage?
    A. In fact, Andrew liked killifish mre than gldfish.
    B. Andrew’s father was angry when he saw the killifish.
    C. Many businessmen are successful because f their great fathers.
    D. A smart father can help his child a lt during his/her grwing up.
    Is there intelligent(有智力的)life n ther planets? Fr years, scientists said “n,” r “we dn’t knw.” But tday this is changing. Seth Shstak and Alexandra Barnett are astrnmers(天文学家). They believe intelligent life exists(存在)smewhere in the universe. They als think we will sn cntact these beings(人;生物).
    Why d Shstak and Barnett think intelligent life exists n ther planets? The first reasn is time. Scientists believe the universe is abut 12 billin years ld. “This is lng enugh fr ther planets t have intelligent life,” say Shstak and Barnett. The secnd reasn is size—the universe is huge. “Tls like the Hubble Telescpe(哈勃望远镜)have shwn that there are mre than 100 billin galaxies,” says Shstak. “And ur galaxy, the Milky Way, has mre than 100 billin stars. Sme planets ging arund these stars might be similar t Earth.”
    In the past, it was hard t lk fr signs f intelligent life in the universe. But nw, pwerful telescpes(高倍望远镜)allw scientists t discver smaller planets—the size f Mars r Earth—in ther slar systems. These planets might have intelligent life.
    Have beings frm space already visited Earth? “Prbably nt,” says Shstak. “It’s a lng way away.Hwever, intelligent beings may cntact us in ther ways, such as radi signals(信号). In fact, they may be trying t cmmunicate with us nw, but we dn’t have the right tls t receive their messages. Hwever, this is changing. By 2025, we culd make cntact with ther life frms in ur universe and we might help each ther.”
    56. Seth Shstak and Alexandra Barnett are ________.
    A. astrnmersB. farmersC. singersD. drivers
    57. What is the best title fr Paragraph 2?
    A. The Age and Size f Earth
    B. Our Galaxy: The Milky Way
    C. Why Intelligent Life Might Exist
    D. Earth: The Only Planet with Intelligent Life
    58. Why was it hard t lk fr signs f intelligent life in the universe in the past?
    A. There were nt any smaller planets.
    B. There were nt any pwerful telescpes.
    C. The astrnmers were nt interested in them.
    D. The Milky Way didn’t exist at that time.
    59. Why haven’t beings frm space visited us yet accrding t Shstak?
    A. They’re afraid f us.B. It’s a lng way away.
    C. They dn’t want t see us.D. They dn’t knw hw t use radi signals.
    60. What des the underlined phrase “life frms” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Messages.B. Tls.C. Intelligent beings.D. Radi signals.
    A: Hi, Betty. What are yu ging t d?
    B: Hi, Lingling! ____61____
    A: Oh, I’ve just cme frm there.
    В: ____62____
    A: Yes. There will be an English speaking cmpetitin next Friday.
    B: ____63____
    A: Life in the Future.
    B: That’s a gd tpic. ____64____
    A: Yes, I’d like t. I think I can practise my spken English. What abut yu?
    B: Oh, yu knw, I am shy. I am afraid I can’t speak in public.
    A: ____65____ If yu keep n practising, yu will be successful.
    B: I will think abut it. Thank yu very much.
    A. Dn’t wrry.
    B. I am ging t lk at the bard.
    C. I entered a pht cmpetitin.
    D. Is there anything new?
    E. Wuld yu like t take part in it?
    F. What d yu want t d?
    G. What is the tpic?
    66. 我妈妈经常在校门口等我。
    My mum ften ________ ________ me at the schl gate.
    67. 今天凌晨我四点就醒了,然后又接着睡了。
    I ________ ________ at 4 this mrning, then I went back t sleep.
    68. 请大家确认一下是否都有飞机票。
    Please ________ ________ yu’ve gt the air tickets.
    69. 他会生你的气,但至少你证明了你是诚实的。
    He’ll be angry with yu, but ________ ________ yu’ll shw that yu are hnest.
    70. 地上是那把椅子的碎片。
    The chair lay ________ ________ n the flr.
    Stanfrd is a wrld famus university n the west cast f the U.S. It was built by Stanfrd and his wife in memry f their nly sn wh died f a strange disease.
    Turists are ften surprised at the beauty f Stanfrd. Amng the green trees, buildings with yellw walls and red tps make up a beautiful picture. Many turists wnder why yellw and red were chsen. That’s because they were the favurites f Mrs. Stanfrd.
    The Big Church is the mst imprtant building in Stanfrd. It stands at the centre. It was built by Mrs. Stanfrd t remember her husband wh devted(贡献) himself t the university. There, students and teachers can hld great activities, such as cncerts and celebratins.
    The tallest building in Stanfrd is Hver Twer, which is the landmark(标志) f the university. A man named Hver had dne a lt fr the university. The things he nce used can be seen n the first flr. On the tp f the twer, turists can have a gd lk at the whle campus(校园).
    As ne f the wrld tp universities, Stanfrd has many subjects that stand amng the tp nes in the wrld. And cmputer science has been the first fr many years. If yu want t study cmputer in a university abrad, maybe it is yur best chice.
    71. Mr. and Mrs. Stanfrd built the university t remember ________.
    72. Mrs. Stanfrd preferred ________ t ther clurs.
    73. The third paragraph mainly tells us the Big Church is ________ in Stanfrd.
    74. Visitrs can see the whle campus f Stanfrd n the tp f ________.
    75. The “it” in the last paragraph refers t ________.
    When yur parents are busy at wrk and have n time t ck, yu can pick up the phne and rder sme fd fr yurself. Lts f peple rder takeut (外卖) these days. But did peple eat takeut in a____76____ China?
    The answer is yes! There was takeut as far back as the Sng Dynasty (宋代). Peple at that time didn’t have p____77____. But they culd still rder fd.
    R____78____ families had servants (仆人). They went ut t pick up dishes fr their masters (主人). Sme restaurants had delivery wrkers (外卖员). They walked arund the city r waited ____79____ the theaters. Peple paid t____80____ t deliver fd. It was als cmmn t rder takeut fr big days, such as birthdays and f____81____. Peple wuld rder their fd b____82____ the big day. When the day came, the delivery wrkers wuld bring dishes t their huses.
    Nw delivery wrkers use electric bikes t deliver fd. But in the past, delivery wrkers delivered fd n f____83____. It tk a lng time and the fd wuld get cld e____84____. Sme restaurants used a special plate t keep their fd warm. It was made f tw layers f prcelain (两层陶瓷). Peple put h_____85_____ water between the tw layers t keep the dishes warm.
    86. 假设你是李华,在去年的夏令营中认识了一位朋友真真。不久前,真真给你寄来了一件礼物——介绍他家乡风景的画册,并附有一封信,在信中询问你暑期打算干什么。请你给他写一封回信,回信要包括以下内容:
    参考词汇:picture album画册 view风景
    Dear Zhenzhen,
    I’m glad t hear frm yu. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Bye fr nw,
    Li Hua
    Persnal Infrmatin
    Nrman Bethune
    ·Brn in 1890 in Canada
    ·A dctr
    ·Came t China in 1938
    ·Died in 1939 in China
    ·Brn in Mntreal, Canada
    ·A singing star
    ·In 1997, sang My Heart Will G On fr the film Titanic
    Thmas Edisn
    ·Brn in 1847, Kentucky, the USA
    ·Made ver 1,000 inventins
    ·Died in 1931
    ·Brn in 1955 in the USA
    ·Wrte Business at the Speed f Thught
    ·Owned Micrsft Cmpany
    ·Brn in 1835 in the USA
    ·A writer
    ·Died in 1910
    ·Wrte Tm Sawyer

    精品解析:2021年天津市部分区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版): 这是一份精品解析:2021年天津市部分区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版),文件包含精品解析2021年天津市部分区中考二模英语试题含听力原卷版doc、精品解析2021年天津市部分区中考二模英语试题含听力解析版doc、32021九年级二模英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2020年天津市红桥区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版): 这是一份精品解析:2020年天津市红桥区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版),文件包含精品解析2020年天津市红桥区中考二模英语试题含听力原卷版doc、精品解析2020年天津市红桥区中考二模英语试题含听力解析版doc、1mp3、10mp3、11mp3、12mp3、13mp3、14mp3、15mp3、16mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等18份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    精品解析:2020年天津市和平区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版): 这是一份精品解析:2020年天津市和平区中考二模英语试题(含听力)(解析版+原卷版),文件包含精品解析2020年天津市和平区中考二模英语试题含听力原卷版doc、精品解析2020年天津市和平区中考二模英语试题含听力解析版doc、1mp3、10mp3、11mp3、12mp3、13mp3、14mp3、15mp3、16mp3、2mp3、3mp3、4mp3、5mp3、6mp3、7mp3、8mp3、9mp3等18份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

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