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    这是一份2021年山东省济南市济阳区天山外国语学校中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷版),文件包含天外初三年级二模考试英语试题2021-5doc、天外初三年级第二次模拟考试英语试题答案2021-5doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共7页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 题 2021年5月
    选择题部分 共105分
    A) 听录音,从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
    1. A. Best wishes t yu!B. Stand in line, please.C. Well dne, Jack!
    2. A. Can yu believe it?B. Did it happen at night?C. Are yu afraid f the dark?
    3. A. I will keep n trying.B. He never changed his mind.C. It can’t be Tm’s watch.
    4. A. Hw fast Peter runs!B. Hw was yur trip t Tibet?C. Hw is it ging with yu?
    5. A. Wh visited yu yesterday? B. When des the test end?C. Why did yu lk s happy?
    B) 在录音中,你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。
    6. Wh is Mike?
    A. Alice’s cusin. B. Alice’s brther. C. Alice’s pen pal.
    7. What des the wman want t drink?
    A. Cffee with sugar.B. Milk cffee.C. Black cffee.
    8. Where d they pssibly find the sign?
    A. In the library.B. In a dinning hall.C. In a park.
    9. When will the mther prbably buy a new schlbag fr the by?
    A. In May.B. In September.C. In February.
    10. Why didn’t Judy pass the exam?
    A. Because she was nt careful. B. Because she didn’t wrk hard. C. Because she was badly ill.
    C) 在录音中,你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所给问题的正确答案。对话听两遍。
    11. Where is Sam’s mm?
    A. She’s at hme. B. She’s at a restaurant. C. She’s at wrk.
    12. Why did Sam call his mm?
    A. T say hell t mm.B. T ask if they can eat ut.C. T ask mm t get hme early.
    13. What kind f fd desn’t Sam like?
    A. Fd with n meat.B. Chinese fd.C. Pt ndles.
    14. What des Sam’s mm think f pizza and hamburgers?
    A. They are tasty.B. They are healthy.C. They are unhealthy.
    15. When will Sam and his mm meet at the Chinese restaurant?
    A. After 7:30. B. At 7:30 p.m.C. At 7:30 a.m.
    D) 在录音中, 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能回答所给问题的正确答案。短文听两遍。
    16. Where did the stry happen?
    A. At the airprt. B. On the plane. C. At the railway statin.
    17. What did the passenger need at first?
    A. A cup f water.B. A bklet.C. Sme medicine.
    18. Hw lng did it take the air hstess t bring the water t the man?
    A. 10 minutes.B. 20 minutes.C. 30 minutes.
    19. Hw many times did the air hstess smile t the man?
    A. 11.B. 12.C. 13.
    20. Why did the man change his mind at last?
    A. Because f her sharp wrds.B. Because f her help.C. Because f her sincere smiles.
    II.选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(15分)
    21. —Hw d yu like yur new English teacher, Bill?
    —He’s great. And he’s a man with _________ magic vice.
    A. aB. anC. theD. /
    22. Music has becme a bridge _________ the East and the West.
    A. inB. amngC. acrssD. between
    23. — _________ will Mr. Miller be back?
    —In tw r three days, I guess.
    A. Hw snB. Hw lngC. Hw farD. Hw ften
    24. —Culd yu please pass me smething t eat?
    —Sure. What abut sme _________?
    A. waterB. fishC. rangeD. tea
    _________ is the mst imprtant festival in China.
    A. May DayB. Dragn Bat FestivalC. Spring FestivalD. Mid-Autumn Day
    26. Mary and Gina are my cusins. _________ father wrks in a big cmpany.
    A. TheirB. TheyC. ThemD. Theirs
    27. —Did peple eat takeut in _________ times?
    —Yes. In fact, there was takeut as far back as the Sng Dynasty.
    A. new B. ancient C. mdernD. recent
    28. If A=3 and B=7, what’s the answer t the prblem: A+B-2 = ? The answer is _________.
    A. twelveB. tenC. nineD. eight
    29. I had t call a taxi because the bx was _________ than I’d expected.
    A. heavyB. heavierC. the heavierD. the heaviest
    30. Peter has n pinins f his wn, _________ he agrees with his friends abut almst everything.
    A. thughB. butC. sD. because
    31. —Dad, I knw this kind f tree. It’s said that it likes ht weather.
    —Right. That’s why they _________ grw in suthern China.
    A. hardlyB. trulyC. pssiblyD. mainly
    32. —Wh’s the man in the rm?
    A. He is a dctr.B. He’s a friend f mine.C. He’s a famus singer.D. He’s 45 years ld.
    33. We Chinese are trying ur best t make “Clean Waters and Green Muntains” _________.
    A. cme trueB. cme nC. cme up withD. cme back
    34. China’s third-generatin nuclear technlgy Hualng One (华龙一号) _________ int use, which culd allw China t use mre clean energy.
    A. has putB. will putC. is puttingD. was put
    35. —Where have yu been these days, Amy?
    —_________ It was a wnderful jurney.
    A. I was busy with a charity event. B. I will g back t my hmetwn in these days.
    C. I have just returned frm my hmetwn.D. I have been away fr abut tw weeks.
    III.完形填空 阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
    Jhnnie Martin was brn in a wrker’s family. His parents lived a (an) 36 life, saving mney fr the day when they culd send him t a gd university. They hped that their sn culd get a gd 37 and live a better life. But t Jhnnie, schl lessns were bring and difficult.
    One day when he was in Grade 11, Jhnnie went 38 schl psychlgist’s(心理学家)ffice t ask fr help.
    “Jhnnie, I’ve been studying yur grades f all the tests at schl. I've made a 39 study f them,” said the psychlgist.
    “I’ve been trying hard.” Jhnnie was abut t 40 .
    The psychlgist put his hand n the by's head, “Peple have different kinds f talents, Jhnnie. There are painters wh were 41 able t learn maths, and engineers wh can't sing well. Sme day yu will find 42 yu are gd at, then yu will make yur parents and all f us very 43 yu.”
    Jhnnie didn't g t university. He fund a jb wrking in the gardens. Sn 44 amazing happened. His custmers began t ntice that Jhnnie was s gd at gardening. The plants he lked after 45 , and the rses came ut.Peple started t accept his 46 fr gardening, because he had he had an eye fr clr and light.
    One day while he was dwntwn, he happened t 47 a dirty land behind the city hall. He vlunteered t make it int a garden. That very afternn as sn as he gt the permissin(允许), he 48 the wrk. Befre lng, it had becme a beautiful little 49 .
    Tday Jhnnie is the head f the business in gardening. Wherever he and his men g, they 50 beauty befre the eyes f peple.
    B.simple C.interesting D.bring
    37. A.jb B.garden C.lessn D.present
    38. A.int B.past C.alng D.thrugh
    39. A.funny B.public C.careful D.similar
    40. A.lie B.cry C.laugh D.agree
    41. A.always B.usually C.smetimes D.never
    42. A.hw B.when C.what D.where
    43. A.strict with B.prud f C.angry with D.sure f
    44. A.nthing B.anything C.smething D.everything
    45. A.played B.left C.died D.grew
    46. A.suggestins B.invitatins C.situatin D.attentin
    47. A.buy B.sell C.clean D.ntice
    48. A.started B.finished C.liked D.lst
    49. A.farm B.lake C.park D.market
    50. A.find B.spread C.cllect D.describe
    IV.补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)
    Tm: Hell, Peter! This is Tm speaking.
    Peter: Hell, Tm!
    Tm: 51 .
    Peter: Yes, I’ll be free. D yu have any plans?
    Tm: Yeah, I’m ging t watch a Peking Opera Shw. Wuld yu like t g with me?
    Peter: Sure, I’d lve t. Peking Opera is my favrite! 52 .
    Tm: Gathering f Heres.
    Peter: Fantastic! I can’t wait. Where will it be n?
    Tm: 53 .
    Peter: OK, when will the shw begin?
    Tm: 54 . Let’s meet at the art club at 2:30.
    Peter: 55 .
    A. Can I help yu? B. Shall we g t the cinema?
    Are yu free this Sunday?D. D yu have classes tmrrw?
    A. Hw d yu like it? B. When was it invented?
    Where did yu buy it?D. What’s the name f the shw?
    A. In the hspital. B. In ur schl art club.
    At the airprt.D. In the nearest library.
    A. On Sunday mrning.B. On N. 2 subway.
    At the schl gate. D. At 3:00 p.m. this Sunday.
    A. See yu then. B. Thank yu.
    Gd idea. D. Here yu are.
    V.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(40分)
    Have yu ever wanted t help ther peple but thught yu were t yung? There are many pprtunities fr kids t d great things. Sme f them may seem small, but they make the peple being helped very happy.
    One activity yu can d is t make greeting cards fr peple wh are in a retirement hme. Many f them can n lnger leave their rms. They d nt have the chance t talk t many peple, and ften dn’t get much mail. Yu can help brighten their day with a cheerful card. Yu might even be able t arrange fr a visit with them.Yu can read yur card t them; they may even want yu t make mre s they can send them t friends! Yu culd als read yur favrite bk t them, r play a card game. There are many activities that senirs wuld lve t d with smene else.
    Anther grup f peple yu can help is children in hspitals. If yu can sew r knit, yu can make a blanket fr them t snuggle (依偎) if they dn’t have tys frm hme. Yu can visit a hspital and play bard games with the children there. Yu might want t read picture bks t the yunger children.
    There are many things yu can d t make smene’s day a little brighter. Yu dn’t need mney r a lt f skills. Yu can make a big difference in a persn’s life just by being willing t dnate (贡献) sme f yur time.
    56. Which activity is NOT mentined in the passage?
    A. Making cards. B. Making blankets. C. Playing bard games. D. Running races.
    57. A phrase that culd mean the same as brighten is _________.
    A. make puzzled B. make happier C. make sad D. make sick
    58. Yu can make ther peple’s day brighter if yu are willing t _________ t d smething helpful.
    A. save a lt f pcket mneyB. learn sme special skills
    C. dnate sme f yur timeD. make sme new friends
    59. What’s the main idea f this passage?
    A. The American Red Crss wants yu t help. B. Whatever yu d, yu wn’t make a difference.
    C. Kids are t yung t help thers.D. Kids can help many different peple.
    60. Which f the fllwing culd be anther way kids culd help ut in the cmmunity?
    A. Pick up litter frm alngside the rad. B. G n vacatin in the cuntryside.
    C. D yur regular chres at hme. D. Buy candy bars at the grcery stre.
    Paul Cézanne was a famus French artist and Pst-Impressinist(后印象主义画派) painter. Hе was gd at using clr and structure(结构) in his paintings. The style f his paintings was different frm that f ther painters in his time. S, peple culdn’t understand and accept Cézanne's wrks. This made Cézanne dubt himself.
    Hwever, he still lved painting. He never stpped painting and created a lt f wrks. The wrks were painted in а new way that pens up the mdern art. S, peple called him “the father f mdern art”.
    Cézanne drew many apples in his painting wrk. D these little apples have any special meaning t him? The answer is yes. Apples symblize a great friendship. The painter Cézanne and the nvelist Emile Zla were very gd friends in their childhd.
    Zla’s father died when Zla was very yung, It brke Zla’s heart. S, Cézanne ften went t stay with him. Zla was very grateful fr that.
    One day, in rder t express thankfulness, pr Zla gave Cézanne a basket f apples. When Cézanne received the apples, he was very happy. Althugh the gift was cheap, t him it was a symbl f their priceless friendship.
    Zla als admired Cézanne’s talent. When Cézanne felt tired, it was Zla wh encuraged him t stick t his painting dream.
    Cézanne and Zla had been friends fr nearly 30 years. Hwever, after Zla became a famus nvelist, they gradually lst relatin frm each ther. But Cézanne still cherished(珍惜) the memry. S, he drew many apples t cmmemrate(纪念) it.
    61. Paul Cézanne was _________ and Pst-Impressinist painter in France.
    A. an artist B. a nvelist C. a businessman D. a dctr
    62. Why did peple call Paul Cézanne “the father f mdern art”?
    A. He lst himself in painting. B. His wrks were very ppular and creative.
    C. He painted in different ways.D. His painting way pened up the mdern art.
    63. What special meaning d the apple paintings have t Cézanne?
    A. The great thankfulness frm Zla . B. One f the mst cheapest gifts.
    C. A symbl f priceless friendship.D. The relatin between Zla and him.
    64. Which f the fllwing abut Cézanne and Zla’s friendship is NOT true?
    A. They made friends when they were children.
    B. Their friendship lasted mre than 30 years.
    C. Zla encuraged Cézanne t stick t his dream.
    D. Cézanne ften stayed with Zla after he lst father.
    65. Accrding t the text, Cézanne is nt a(n) _________ man.
    A. talented B. understanding C. humrus D. full-hearted
    Have yu ever wndered if yu see the same clrs as ther peple? Mst peple knw what blue is when they see it. They see the clr and call it “blue” because they were taught the wrd and cnnected it with what they saw. But hw d yu knw what yu see as blue isn’t smene else’s red?
    The ability t see clrs depends n receptrs(感受器) in ur eyes. Light waves hit these receptrs which will send infrmatin t the brain. The brain then deals with the infrmatin t make sure which clr light the eyes are receiving. Sme peple’s receptrs are mre develped than thers. Peple with weaker receptrs usually have clr blindness. That the receptr can’t translate the light waves crrectly means sme peple cannt tell different shades f a clr.
    In the past, mst scientists argued that everyne saw clrs in the same way. Hwever, research was dne n mnkeys, in which they were injected(注射) with a virus t influence their receptrs. This made them understand mre abut clrs than usual and brught an interesting discvery. Nrmally,mnkeys can nly see blue and green, but the virus allwed mnkeys t see red. Their brains were made t be able t understand new clrs, which might mean the brains are nt instinctive (本能的) t understand which clr is which. This shws that ur brains may get used t new infrmatin depending n what they receive during the develpment. Clr culd be a very persnal experience t everyne.
    S, the next time yu talk abut yur favrite clr, just remember if yurs is blue and yur friend says red, yu might actually be thinking abut the same clr. What if everyne in the wrld has the same favrite clr, but just calls it different names.
    66.Which is TRUE abut peple wh have clr blindness frm paragraph 2?
    A.They cannt see light at all.
    B.They have develped receptrs.
    C.They can't tell clrs crrectly.
    D.They can't see any clrs.
    67.What des the underlined wrd“them”refer t in paragraph 3?
    A.Scientists B.Receptrs C.Mnkeys D. Brains
    68.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage.
    A. Mnkeys can nly see tw clrs at any time.
    B. Our brains can understand clrs instinctively.
    C. Everyne has the same experience abut a clr.
    D. The same clr might be given different names.
    69.What’s the passage mainly abut ?
    A. It tells peple that different clrs have different names.
    B. Peple call a clr blue because that's hw they were taught.
    C. It mainly explains why peple see the same clr differently.
    D. One’s favrite clr is different frm that f anther ne’s.
    70.Where can yu prbably find this passage?.
    A.A science fictin. B.A science magazine. C.A stry bk. D.A guide bk.
    Adrian and his new friend Manuel did nt speak the same language. Adrian spke English and Manuel spke Spanish. But they fund ways t cmmunicate. They pinted t things. They drew pictures. Smetimes, they acted ut what they wanted t say. And they each learned a few wrds in the ther’s language. That helped a lt, t. They ate dinner at each ther’s huse, s they bth learned t enjy new fds. Adrian discvered that Manuel was frm Hnduras. Adrian did nt knw where that was, but Manuel shwed him n a map. It was far away!
    One day, Adrian decided t invite Manuel t play basketball. He didn’t knw if Manuel knew hw t play, but he was hping that he culd. When the tw bys gt tgether after schl, Adrian tk Manuel t the basketball curt. He said, “Watch me” t Manuel, and then he sht a basketball thrugh the hp. Then, he threw the ball t Manuel. Adrian didn’t think Manuel wuld be able t scre a basket, but he scred easily. Then, Manuel passed the basketball back t Adrian and pinted t him—it was Adrian’s turn. Fr the next hur, the tw bys played. Manuel was a gd player—much better than Adrian had thught he wuld be.
    The next day, Adrian tld his ther friends abut Manuel. He tld them what a gd player Manuel was. He tld his ther friends that he wanted Manuel t play basketball with them after schl. At first they didn’t knw if that was a gd idea. Hw culd Manuel play if he didn’t understand English? “He des understand sme English,” Adrian said, “Besides, he understands basketball. That’s what’s imprtant.” Adrian’s friends agreed t let Manuel play, and they made plans fr that afternn. Everyne gathered after schl t play basketball. Manuel arrived, and Adrian intrduced him t his ther friends. Sn they started t play. Everyne agreed that Manuel was an excellent player. They were glad that Adrian had invited him. They spke English. Manuel spke Spanish. But they had basketball in cmmn. That was what mattered.
    71. Hw d Manuel and Adrian slve the prblem f their language difference?
    A. They pint at things and draw. B. They shut at each ther ludly.
    C. They d nt spend time tgether. D. They g travelling t Hnduras.
    72. Which is a purpse fr reading this text?
    A. I want t knw hw t say a few wrds in Spanish.
    B. I want t learn hw t buy tickets t Hnduras.
    C. I want t knw hw the bys wrk tgether t play a game.
    D. I want t knw the final scre f the basketball game.
    73. What will likely happen the next time Adrian plays basketball?
    A. They will invite Manuel t play. B. They wn’t invite Manuel t play.
    C. Adrian wn’t play basketball again.D. Adrian wn’t be friends with Manuel.
    74. What is the lessn abut friendship?
    A. Friends d nt always get alng and cmmunicate well.
    B. Gd friends like the same things and have the same habits.
    C. A basketball game is nt a place t meet a new friend.
    D. Friendship happens when peple learn and care abut each ther.
    75. Which f the fllwing texts has a similar theme (主题)?
    A. A hw-t text abut playing different ball games.
    B. A stry f tw wmen frm different places getting t knw each ther.
    C. A stry abut a basketball team winning a big game against all dds.
    D. A letter t the mayr asking fr basketball curts at the lcal park.
    非选择题部分 共45分
    VI.选词填空 (10分)
    A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空 (每词限用一次)。
    If yu want t make changes t yur life, try 30-day challenges! Yu just pick smething t d fr 30 days, like exercising r writing in a diary. Many peple d (76)_________ t start a new habit.
    But d these 30-day challenges really wrk? Mike Siemens, a US expert, tld NBC News, “Thirty days is (77)_________ lng enugh t start seeing the beginnings f sme nice changes.” Siemens said that 30-day challenges are a great way t add (78)_________ int yur daily life.
    T start a 30-day challenge, make sure it is a gal that yu want t get t and that it’s nt t (79)_________.
    Of curse, Rme wasn’t built in a day. Research suggests it takes abut 66 days fr a new habit. It’s fine if yu miss a day (80)_________ tw. Yu might nt get perfect results by the end f a 30-day challenge. But it’s still a gd start.
    be say play put cme
    B.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号 (每词限用一次).
    One Mnday evening, when I(81)______ back frm schl, I was upset and didn't turn n the TV t watch my favrite cartn as usual. My grandmther came t me and asked what had happened.
    I tld her, “I(82)______jkes n tday. Several girls in a higher grade didn't like me and kept saying terrible things that made me cry. I dn't knw what I can d and I feel really sad abut it."
    My grandmther lked at me with her lving eyes and replied, "Emma, yu have tw unseen pckets. One has a hle, and the ther des nt. S if smebdy(83)______smething gd t cheer yu up, put it in the pcket that is sealed(密封的)and strng. Save it. When yu g t bed, take it ut and enjy it."
    "But what abut the ther pcket, Grandma? "
    "The ther pcket is where yu put the hurtful things that peple say t yu. Let it g quickly and it wn’t hurt yu anymre. That hle is fr all the prblems that yu give t Gd."
    Everyne has tw different special pckets in their heart. When yu get praise frm ther peple, remember(84)______it in yur sealed pcket, because it can make yu becme a better persn. When yu hear smething bad, just put it in the pcket with a hle and let it g. Then yur life (85)______happier.
    VII.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (5分)
    Advertisements are everywhere. 86 Sme ads are funny, sme are beautiful, and sme are actin-packed (内容丰富多彩的). But all f them have ne imprtant purpse: t get yu t buy a prduct r service. Ads can be useful. Fr example, that is hw stres let yu knw when they are having sales. Ads als let yu knw abut new prducts r services. 87 Ads are imprtant fr cmpanies, t—that’s hw they reach custmers.
    88 The cmpany that made the ad wants yu t buy that prduct r service. The ad is made s that when yu see it, yu will want t buy. Fr example, ads fr restaurants are designed t make yu feel hungry fr the fd in the ad. Ads fr clthes are designed s that yu will want t buy thse clthes. Ads fr cell phnes and music players are designed s that yu will believe yu are missing ut if yu dn’t have thse things. It is imprtant t think carefully and make up yur wn mind befre yu buy. 89
    Hw d cmpanies create ads that get peple t buy things? They start with a prduct r service they want t sell. Then, they figure ut what special thing that prduct r service has that will make peple want t buy it. It might be a lw price, a particular taste, r smething else. Then, cmpanies design ads that tell peple abut that special thing. The ads use clr, sund, and ther things t get peple’s attentin. 90 If peple like what they see, thse cmpanies use the ads they created. If peple dn’t like what they see, the ads are changed.
    A. Withut ads, yu might nt knw abut thse things.
    B. Dn’t buy smething just because an ad says that yu shuld.
    C. Cmpanies want t give us infrmatin abut their prducts.
    D. When yu see an ad, it is imprtant t remember why it is there.
    E. Every time yu watch a TV shw, use the Internet, r read a magazine, yu see them.
    F. We will see thusands f mre advertisements every day in the future.
    G. When they are finished, sme cmpanies shw them t a grup f peple and get their pinins.

    VIII.书面表达 A.情景运用 根据图画信息,用符合图意的完整、正确的句子回答问题。 (10分)

    — ________________________________
    — We usually get t schl by bus.
    92. —Where did yu g n vacatin last weekend?
    93. —What was Gina ding when the rainstrm came?
    — ________________________________
    94. — Jack, ____________________________
    — I have had this bike fr three years.
    95. —What are peple suppsed t d when they meet first?
    参考词汇:high-fat fd(高脂肪食物)
    Dear Gina,
    It’s nt easy being yur situatin and I can fully understand yu. ______________________________
    Li Hua
    certainly hard this r exercise

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