

2020年09月19日 10:10 新浪网 作者 北京大学国际医院
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  As the prevention and control of COVID-19 pandemic becomes a regular practice globally, the resumption of work and production has been progressing gradually. With the recent recovery of international flights around the world, many countries have introduced strict containment measures over inbound travelers in order to guarantee the normal order of life and production. Therefore, English SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Test Report has become the standard requirement for travelling abroad. To attend to the needs of the public, PKU International Hospital has updated the original SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Test Report and replaced it with a Chinese-English bilingual version with the purpose to facilitate visa application and international trips for the public.




  PKU International Hospital Chinese-English SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic Acid Test Report (Sample)




For any institution or individual in demand of the nucleic acid test, please schedule an appointment through WeChat Official Account of PKU International Hospital: Internal Medicine – General Internal Medicine Clinic – Nucleic Acid Test Clinic. The report is available within 24 hours after the swab test. The clinic is located on the 1


  Floor of Oncology Building in PKU International Hospital.




  Notes: The updated nucleic acid laboratory report is bilingual. Please go to any Self-Service Machine in our hospital and print the report. If you need a stamp on the report, please visit the registry of Nucleic Acid Test Clinic from Monday to Friday. For details, please call us at 010-69006900.



  供稿 & 图片 | 特需国际医疗部 检验科

  编辑 | 公共关系部

北京大学 新冠肺炎
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