Work better together with Teams -毕业证书样本


Work better together with Issuu for Teams

Revolutionize your content creation, publishing, and approval processes with Issuu’s digital publishing platform. Experience the power of seamless collaboration as your distributed and cross-functional teams work together to transform static documents into captivating content for every channel. Accelerate productivity and reach your audience faster by working together.

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Upload, publish, and distribute with ease

Unlock access, management, and control over your document library with Issuu for Teams. Integrate with top-rated design tools like Canva and Adobe InDesign and enjoy private team workspaces, custom branding options, and an intuitive administrative portal for your business. Own your digital distribution in a seamless workflow.

Centralize your content library in one hub

Turn a single document into multiple formats – including embeddable Flipbooks, mobile-optimized Articles, vibrant GIFs, and eye-catching Social Posts – for all digital channels. It’s content creation and distribution made easy. Create once and share everywhere.

Control your brand’s identity

Effortlessly navigate between teams, brands, and publications while upholding the highest standards of brand integrity. Customize content to fit your enterprise's unique brand identity, providing a tailored reading experience to every audience you cater to – all while involving key stakeholders across the organization.

Read our customer stories & articles:

Manage teams and projects in dedicated workspaces

Tailor workspaces to your team's needs by assigning roles—administrators to manage projects and users, contributors to work on content, and viewers to stay informed. Expand your team's capabilities by inviting users to collaborate in a secure environment and publish content. Seamlessly bridge internal and external communications while controlling who can view, edit, or manage each workspace.

Increase security and convenience with SSO

Safeguard your business content and streamline user access using Single Sign-On (SSO) with Issuu for Teams. Connect securely to Issuu and simplify access management with popular SSO protocols. Ensure compliance, reduce operational costs, and boost user adoption. Give your teams collaboration, control, and compliance—all in one platform.

Amplify your business content with less effort

Unlock your content strategy’s full potential with Issuu’s best features, personalized support, and a cost-effective business subscription. Here’s what’s in it for you:

  • Multiple workspaces for team collaboration

  • Unlimited users and publications (per plan)

  • Administrative controls and one-click user management

  • Enhanced customization & sharing, plus detailed statistics

  • Team-specific profile pages for hosting and sharing

Explore features to elevate your content

With a wide range of features at your fingertips, Issuu helps you create unique and connected reading experiences.

Teams FAQ

  • Create as many workspaces as you need to effectively separate content for your teams, departments, target markets, or clients. Add as many users as you need before hosting and publishing an unlimited number of digital publications, according to your plan.

  • With a Teams plan, you get Issuu’s unmatched digital content experience with all the premium features, like dynamic Flipbooks with Videos, Links, Fullscreen Sharing, and Embed options, as well as additional shareable assets like Articles and Social Posts. Your users will also gain access to private sharing options, team-specific profile pages, detailed Statistics, and a dedicated Customer Success Manager, to name a few.

  • Issuu for Teams enables easy access, management, and control over assets for groups of users so that you can own your digital distribution in a seamless workflow. Its purpose is to serve customers whose digital content requires access for several users, multiple publisher profiles to divide content by brands, clients, or regions, or involvement from key stakeholders across the organization. Whether you only have one team with several members who share assets and need to work on the same content together or multiple teams serving different markets or clients, a Teams plan can help. Issuu Premium, on the other hand, is our best plan intended for only one user, and does not offer dedicated workspaces or multiple domains.

See why people love Issuu

Issuu is the platform of choice for individual creators and companies everywhere.

Accelerate your productivity by working together.

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