Turn pages into profits with Digital Sales -毕业证书样本

Digital Sales

Turn pages into profits with Digital Sales

Distribute and sell your Flipbook commission-free, from access to single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Issuu’s secure eCommerce solution works on any device, accepts major credit and debit cards in a variety of currencies, and sends the proceeds directly through Stripe. From eBooks to magazines, publish your work and skyrocket your sales with Issuu.

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With Issuu, you own your entire creation-to-distribution workflow. Sell single issues or create a subscription through our secure eCommerce solution that works on any device or browser. Start earning more and spending less by selling content on Issuu.

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Use Digital Sales to:

  • Host and sell subscription content online.

  • Distribute and market online course materials.

  • Share and sell digital art, from custom designs to a booklet of your most popular pieces.

  • Monetize special editions of free content like magazines, graphic novels, and more.

  • Create members-only content to supplement free content and resources.

  • Sell gated marketing materials like eBooks, resources, workbooks, and more.

Digital Sales FAQs

  • Issuu’s Digital Sales feature is available on Issuu Premium and Optimum plans.

  • No. Issuu never takes commissions on content sold, whether that’s individual publications or subscriptions. Enjoy selling content on Issuu completely commission-free.

  • To use Issuu’s Digital Sales feature, you must be on a Premium plan or higher and based in a country where Stripe is available.

  • To buy access to paid or subscription content, readers simply click on the content they’re interested in, select the ‘Buy’ button, then follow the steps in the browser to purchase. Once purchased, readers can start reading immediately and revisit the content they’ve bought by logging into their Issuu account and selecting ‘Purchases’ under the ‘Read’ tab in the header navigation bar.

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